[Business for sale] Game production company
Korean Game company
Paid-in Capital : KWON 4 BLN (USD 4.2 MLN)
Private company.
Established in middle of 1990th.
Game industry.
Producted and published 9 games.
Revenue/Profit = USD 2MLN/EVEN.
100 employees.
Chinese branch.
This company was established in middle of 1990th with system integration business.
It begin game production business in late of 1990th and has long history in game industry of Korea. At that time, NC soft and Nexon were its competitors and there were no differences of techonology and potential between them. However, it wasn't succeed in Game business because CEO of this company made mistake for company strategy (Especially wrong positioning). it barely keeps company in spite of its great production and operation ability.
Recently this company needs investor who know game industry and help this company to build proper global strategy and publish already well-made game in the world.
Please let me know your interest through below e-mail.
E-mail : nemoram@gmail.com